Our company supplies high-quality food raw materials and ingredients from the countries of South-East, South-West Asia, as well as the EU for large Russian food industries producing confectionery, dairy and bakery products.
Thanks to cooperation with the world’s leading producers of raw materials and high quality control, our products meet the highest international requirements of the standard in the field of food safety and have all the necessary


Import of products

At your request, we can bring products from literally any country, our partner network is very wide, which allows us to plan the import of a large assortment of items in significant volumes. If you are interested in specific products in stock, you can check their quantity in our warehouses with the company manager. If we are talking about custom deliveries, we will clarify the necessary information and prepare an offer as soon as possible.

Wide selection

In our catalog you can see coconut products, fat-and-oil items, superfoods, cocoa, carob, candied fruits, food additives and raw materials. We offer items in stock and on order. If you are interested in the supply of raw materials from the countries of South-East, South-West Asia, the EU or other regions – contact Petroprodtorg, our managers will consider your request and prepare an individual offer.


ООО “Петропродторг”
Юр. адрес: Санкт-Петербург, 190121, ул. Садовая,
д. 104, литера А, помещение 11Н №4;6;7;16;17
ОГРН: 1167847475586
ИНН: 7820055553
КПП: 783901001
р/с: 40702810737080000895 в Ф.ОПЕРУ БАНКА ВТБ (ПАО) В САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГЕ
к/с: 30101810200000000704
БИК 044030704
Генеральный директор: Матросов Юрий Петрович.
